
AI-as-a-Service for State & Local Government

Empower day-to-day operations with custom AI & ML platforms for state & local agencies. Reduce manual labor and sustainable public infrastructure in Health & Human Services, Energy & Transportation, Law & Enforcement and more.


Real-time predictions for the most volatile situations.

Power logistics like never before by enhancing traffic workflows, roadway maintenance protocols to highway blueprinting, easily integrate complex ML pipelines for all of your extensive data structures.

Law Enforcement

Mitigate crime predictively, protecting both police and public.

Leverage AI to track & identify suspicious activity patterns in communities or traverse mountains of financial data for potential fraud activity. Create ML workflows to stop illegal activities faster, safer and more effectively.


Sustainable energy grids through reactive infrastructure monitoring.

Easily deploy machine learning solutions for your agency's most critical energy management challenges. Leverage Al & ML for secure data management, analytics & labeling for all your resource delivery systems.

State & Local data labeling starts with HelloGov

Accelerate machine learning while achieving the highest data quality.